
computer is a device that allows data to be processed according to formal procedures ( algorithms ). The word computer usually refers to an electronic, digital device, but mechanical and analog computers also exist . In addition, a computer can work in different number systems such as the decimal (decimal) or binary (bilingual) system . Today’s computers always work in the binary system .

The procedures mentioned are recorded in one or more programs, called software , that can be changed by the user. If the programs are not interchangeable, we are not talking about a computer but about a controller or processor.

Originally, the English word computer was used to describe someone who performed complicated calculations, with or without mechanical aids – compare also the German term for computer: Rechner (calculator) and the African and non-established Dutch term for computer: rekenaar . Modern computers are used for much more than just mathematical applications. Many administrative and financial tasks are also assigned to the computer. The French word for computer was first calculateur or calculator and evolved into ordinateur , literally something that provides order and regularity.

The science that emerged at the same time as the development of the computer is computer science .

Computers can be divided into a number of types. There are supercomputers , mainframes (or large computers), minicomputers , desktops , laptops and small mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets . Depending on the application, there are also the categories of server and game console .

Since the advent of computers, they have also been used for the storage and processing of information ( Internet ) and entertainment . In modern production , computers are implemented to control machines and control processes, for example in the assembly of cars by robots . A programmable logic controller (PLC) is usually used for this .

Due to extensive miniaturization and increased speed, it is increasingly possible to implement functionality that was previously provided in hardware in software. The big advantage of such a development is that functionality can be added afterwards.

In 1980, IBM introduced its personal computer : the IBM PC . This follows previous initiatives such as the Altair 8800 , Tandy TRS-80 , Apple II and Commodore PET computers and the home computers . However, the IBM-compatible PC eventually became the standard (with the only exception today being the Mac ), after many manufacturers cloned the computer cheaply and thus standardized the design. The PC now plays an essential role in the daily lives of many people.

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